Thursday, March 8, 2012

Finally made it through to 3C0E Annobon Island

This is a video showing the huge pile-up from the USA for 3C0E on 17m CW, at a time when his signal was massive into EI and other parts of Europe. I seem to have been plagued by bad luck during the past week with 3C0E. Every time I sit down at the radio to work them, they either QRX (take a break), QSY (go somewhere else), or start calling for JA or USA ! It has happened countless times this week.

And that is why I count myself extremely fortunate to have made it into their log this evening on 12m CW, thankfully. A while later they came up on 17m CW with a huge signal and after tuning the Acom 1000 and giving them a few calls I could suddenly hear "3C0E USA UP". Damn! What a run of misfortune! Every time they are strong they are not working EU. Or so it seems. The above video gives an idea of the sort of pile-ups these two guys are up against. Annobon is the 32nd most wanted DXCC and there are just two ops on the island. So I am grateful for one band slot. They are QRT (finished) on Sunday.

What's the chances of another slot or two?

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